Responsible Party (if different from above)
Insurance Information
Please read and sign
We will be happy to bill your insurance for you as a courtesy provided that you bring your insurance card with you to your visit.You may also submit insurance claims yourself. We must also emphasize that as your eye care providers, our relationship is withyou, not your insurance company, with whom we have no legal relationship. While the filing of insurance claims is a courtesy weextend to our patients, all charges (deductible amount, co-insurance, or any balance not paid by your insurance company) are yourresponsibility from the date the services are rendered. If we are not billing your insurance, you are financially responsible for allservices from the date the services are rendered. Questions or concerns regarding charges, insurance coverage or benefits will be addressed with the office manager or any other staff members, not with the doctor.
I acknowledge that I have completed all of the information to the best of my knowledge. I authorize the eye doctor to release anyinformation about my records to pertinent third party payers and/or other health practitioners if needed. Lastly, I understand thatreturns and/or exchanges of any eyewear, as seen necessary by a staff member, will be done so by office credit and no refundswill be given. Any eyewear returns or exchanges may be subject to a restocking fee
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We offer a wide variety of eye care services to the Sammamish community. Contact us with any questions about our services.
For non-urgent questions or to learn more about our services, contact us today!
One fine body…